45 – The Power of Prayer
Matthew 18:18-20
Jesus conferred the same authority to his disciples in chapter 16, the same authority he had on Earth.
Jesus taught his disciples what was important through repetition.
Power of prayer is underutilized. It is misused and abused.
When there’s conflict with another:
Go to the brother
Go get two witnesses
Bring it before the church
Prayer has:
Divided seas
Turned rocks into water
Shut the jaws of lions
Stopped the course of the moon
Burst open iron gates
Controlled the raging passions of men
Brought a man from the bottom of the sea
Soothed crying babies
Guided surgeons hands
Saved marriages
But we still don’t know how it works
You have an expectation that when you pray, God will hear you
Surely if you can have faith that a cell phone will work, you can have faith in Jesus
Binding and loosing
We have limitations on prayer. Has to be within His will.
Don’t think of heaven as a place but as a space.
Prayer is the bridge that locks us into that sphere we call heaven
Heaven can be controlled by what we do on Earth. You can connect with me in this sphere if you ask me to.
Heaven is not just future, it is present. You have power through prayer.
Jesus has given all of us the authority to bind and loose through prayer. We are not using it. Because we live under the power of Grace so evil cannot prevail. Romans6:14
I. Prayer is Powerful but mysterious
II. Prayer is greatly multiplied by unity – why we need to be in a fellowship of believers (right thinking folks); one of you can chase 1000 but two can chase 10,000. We exponentially empower when we’re together.
Agree-stand together
To sound together-to harmonize
III. The true power of Prayer is
God the Son
Praying to God the Father
In the power of God the Spirit and the prayer room is your heart.
Tamala R. Maddox, Ph. D.
R. F. Bumpus Middle School