Welcome to 4-5!
We praise God for His amazing grace, which has brought us to the beginning of another calendar year! Each year we identify a theme to use as a guide in approaching our Christian growth. This year’s theme is REFOCUS! While this may seem simple at first glance, it will actually take much prayer and grace to REFOCUS your life and follow God’s guidance. This will no doubt require that you stop being your own life navigator and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all areas of your life! Isaiah 43: 18-21 provides scriptural guidance for us as we let go of some things and prepare for the newness God will bring into our lives!
I have learned there is a very real difference between practicing religion and having a relationship with the Lord. At Forty-fifth Street we do our best to create an atmosphere of worship and fellowship that allows you to establish and grow in your faith walk.
To our visitors, we are so thankful that God led you to our church home today. Something special is going to happen in this place. We are about to experience a move of God like never before. If you are willing to allow him to lead you, this service will be dynamic. I hope this one day gathered with God’s people in corporate worship will be a great day for you. The fact is that one day in the presence of God in honest worship can make all the difference in the life of a person and a family.
Our prayer is that you will want to spend more than this one day with us…that while here you will feel the love of God and understand our threefold purpose to introduce people to the love of Christ, to teach people about the life of the church and Christ, and to celebrate life with other people who love Christ.
This website contains information about current events and ministries in our church. Consider this a standing invitation to participate in all activities. Please take a moment and complete a guest card so that we may have a record of your visit. Lastly, if we may be of assistance to you, please don’t hesitate to contact us by phone, email or in person.
Prayerfully after your visit, you will understand why we strive to be “the friendliest church from the parking lot to the pulpit!”
Yours in Christ,
Andra D. Sparks