Sermon Notes courtesy of Sis. Tamala Maddox
45 New Horizons
Isaiah 43:16-21
We must be mission oriented
Have you pondered your resolutions for this year; what will you do differently
The most difficult thing in life to do is to change; stop believing that the way I am doing things is the right way
Isaiah is writing to the children of Israel.
Can’t get to New Horizons unless you’re willing to Let It Go. God is trying to do a new thing in your life. You can’t get to the new thing while holding on to the old. You can’t make progress going forward if your perspective is backwards.
Do you have enough faith to get to the next level that God wants for you?
I. Change your focus – stop looking behind start looking ahead
A. Don’t count on past victories to sustain you. Children of Israel left Egypt, they conquered land, they had fought off perspective conquerers….when they get in the Promised Land, they look back. The momentum of success couldn’t sustain them. Some people are afraid to succeed. If you want to be successful, you have to be success minded, be with successful people.
B. Don’t allow past failures to paralyze you….Let it go. Don’t get stuck in a rut. Move on….get up and do something different.
C. You cannot live on yesterday’s faith. Move beyond joining the church. Where is your faith today, has it grown from yesterday. You have to do something to grow your faith. Mom and Dad can have great faith in you but you can’t live on their faith.
II. Clarify your focus – discover what God wants for you; lift your cup up so He can fill it up; some don’t want The Lord to be in charge because you want to be in charge. Don’t have to depend on my weakness and failure.
A. You must first see yourself as God see you. He sees you without condemnation.
B. You must see your possibilities as God sees them. Sometimes the limit is too far when man looks at your possibilities.
III. Commit yourself to God’s Plan
With God there is no barrier. God opened the Red Sea and allowed them to walk through before.
When will we be ready to do what God is doing. Commit yourself to God’s plan.