45-Lifeline Experiencing God’s Power Through Prayer
Luke 11:1-4
Matthew 6:9 Model prayer
Framework is a bit different. So saying don’t just recite.
This prayer is recorded twice in Scripture and the wording is different in each prayer.
So wasn’t teaching them what to pray, just how.
The disciples said, “teach us to pray” not “teach us a prayer.”
Jesus warns us against repetitive prayers. Vain repetition as the heathen do.
This prayer is repeated nowhere else in the New Testament. Surely if it had been required, the members of the early church would have been doing it.
God’s Glory
1. All prayer is Directed to God the Father. Prayer begins with God. It is to glorify Him.
ACTS Model of prayer
2. The Priority of Prayer is Reverence for God
We know who He is
Only time the disciples asked Jesus for anything
None of the disciples were known for their praying.
3. Prayer Highlights God’s Program
There are at least three aspects of praying for God’s kingdom to come that should permeate our prayers:
1. Conversion. We should pray that people would bow before Christ and get saved.
2. Commitment. As believers, we need to daily respond to the royalty residing in us and bow before His lordship in our lives.
3. Consummation. One day the heavens will split open and Jesus Christ will descend and plant His feet on the Mount of Olives, and He will establish His kingdom that will last forever and ever.
Our Needs in prayer
We Seek His Provision – Give us this day our daily bread
We Solicit His Pardon – Forgive us our sins; greatest need that any man has; man lacks the ability to forgive himself – guilt
We Submit to His Lordship –
Tamala R. Maddox, Ph. D.
R. F. Bumpus Middle School