Sermon Notes Courtesy of Deacon Anthony Sparks
Sermon Notes from today…
Part 1…3/26/17
Sermon Series:
“Journey to the Cross”
Speaker: Pastor Sparks
Text: Matthew 16:21-29
-“I will live for God; even if no one else does, I still will”. Can this be your declaration?
-How different the world would be if halfway thru His journey, Jesus turned around & said “I’m not going to do it; they’re ungrateful”
-One day, Jesus had to make a shift in His life and get on with the business of fulfilling His purpose
-When God blesses you, there are ALWAYS leftovers!
-You gotta be careful who you listen to & let into your spirit! People can know the scripture, but not know the Savior…
-Jesus had to have the hard conversation with His disciples letting them know He had to die; Peter being Peter interjects & tries to “put Jesus in check” but Jesus quickly straightens him out
-You can’t follow Christ AND yourself!
-Refuse to be a part of the “ministry of whining”! If you’re whining about having to go to choir rehearsal, LifeGroup, etc., then why you going? You’re not doing God any favors AND you make the Kingdom look bad! Smh
-Every day we’re faced with the question of “will I follow Christ today?”
-You’re not required to take a vow of poverty & give all your stuff away!… but you DO have to be mindful of the things of God (His house, your family, His people!)
-Living forever is not the goal!…Heaven is!
-You gotta make sure your spirit is as healthy as any other part of you!
-I’m SOOOOO glad we don’t have to purchase/earn/hustle our way into heaven!