Sermon Notes courtesy of Tamala R. Maddox, Ph.D.
45 – Believe It Or Not
John 20:26 – 29
belief – an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists
How do you make the difference be belief and doubt
skepticism vs. faith
Doubt is not the opposite of faith
Unbelief is the opposite of faith
Doubt might lead you to unbelief but is it not the opposite of faith
Numbers 13:
How to deal with doubt……
God said I’m going to give it to you. He has already said it is the Promised Land.
You just need to navigate there.
Spies saw the same thing. Majority report and minority report was completely different. The land was plush and plentiful. 10 spies saw only the giants. Joshua and Caleb followed their faith and became a part of the majority.
Stop putting God on your template.
Typically, your faith will put you outside of the common perception. It will not lead you with the majority. Easier to follow a fellow than to follow in faith.
The two spies tried
Faith path or path of unbelief (path of fear). This didn’t make God happy. When God is pleased with your faith, he resources/validates your faith.
There is nothing God is unable to do.
It was not the giants in the land, it was their doubt of God’s ability to deliver the land.
When God promises you something and you focus on the things you have to do, you’re doubting God.
When we doubt, we’re saying God is unable.
A ship is safest in harbor but that’s not what ships are made for. A Christian is safest taking the easy way out but that’s not what we were made for.
Doubt can lead to a revelation of truth.
John the Baptist – John inquired whether or not Jesus was the Messiah; John asked “Are you the one or should I look for another”
Doubting is not just about unbelief, it is about having two different possibilities and not knowing which one to believe.
God will resource your faith.
John believed in Jesus all the way until death.
You must confront your doubts. Can’t pretend they don’t exist. When you don’t confront, you’re actually living in fear.
Didymus, Thomas, unless I can touch his hand and unless I can see the proof, I will not believe He is appearing.
Doubt comes from the Latin word duos (two). Means you have two thoughts.
Numbers 11:23 Do my hands wax short? If I said it, it’s true.
Doubt is not negative. Unless it leads you down the road of unbelief.