45-Lifeline Experiencing A Prayer When I Have Really Messed Up
Psalms 51:1-19
David messed up, not on his rise to stardome, but the David who had claimed success, who had defeated Goliath, the David living in the palace…..this David messed up. You’re not immune from messing up at any point in your life. The devil is always busy. He’s doing his job. The Lord is greater than the devil. If you abide in Him, he can keep you.
I. His Problems – Sins; He stopped looking to The Lord but in the mirror
Not talking about the Psalms 23 David….The Lord is my Shepherd; now we have David who is saying….Lord I’m sorry. Sin has gotten between them.
A. Sin #1: Adultery
started with his eyes; he was a rooftop away; he followed his eyes with his actions by telling someone to go get her
B. Sin #2: Deceit
Wanted her husband Uriah to lay with Bathsheba
C. Sin #3: Murder
Uriah was put in the front of the battle so he could be killed and David could have his wife, Bathsheba
II. His Prophet/Preacher – Nathan came to David with a story; what would you say if a man had flocks of sheep and another had one sheep but instead of the rich man killing one of his own flock for a meal, he kills the man’s one sheep and serves it. David was livid by this story. He said surely this man should be killed. Nathan had the courage to tell David that you are that man….this convicted David.
You need a Nathan in your life. Nathan is an indispensable witness. Someone who will tell you when you do wrong. A Pastor’s job is to tell you when you’ve messed up.
A. Anger (2 Samuel 12: 1-6)
B. Anguish (2 Samuel 12: 7-10)
C. Answer (2 Samuel 12: 11-14)
III. His Prayer
A. A Spirit of Confession (Psalm 51: 1-6) – Be honest; accept it; he acknowledged that what he did was wrong; his heart was good. Sin separates us from God. Confession allows the healing process to begin
B. A Spirit of Repentance (Psalm 51: 7-11) – Confession is important but the other tool that goes with it…..repentance. Confession shows it to God, repentance shows you want to change. Leave it there, turn and go the other way. Not in your direction but in God’s direction. Leaving it at the foot of The Cross.
C. A Celebration of Salvation (Psalm 51: 12-19) – He’s rejoicing.
Tamala R. Maddox, Ph.D.
R.F. Bumpus Middle School