Sermon Notes courtesy of Sis. Tamala R. Maddox, Ph.D.
45 Convictions – Praise Him
II. Daniel’s First Response: Prayer Last week we saw how when Daniel was threatened to be killed when he couldn’t interpret Nebuchadnezzar’s dreams, Daniel prayed along with his circle of close friends
He prayed and God answered
III. Daniel’s Second Response: Praise
After his prayer was answered, he praised him
Praise Him
Sometimes we don’t understand what God is saying to you. He’s tapping it out like SOS but you don’t understand. Someone with more spiritual maturity, with more discernment
Daniel tapped into the Holy telegraph line and found out what Nebuchadnezzar’s dream meant.
Best friend – should be able to pray with them; don’t have someone that close to you that doesn’t know how to pray with you
When God answered Daniel’s prayer, he praised God.
Is that our first response when God answers our prayer? Spiritual maturity will make us pause
Daniel said, Praise is what I do when I want to be close to you; Praise is who I am, I will praise Him while I can, I will bless Him at all times; I vow to praise Him, through the good and the bad whether I’m happy or sad; I’ll praise you in all that I go through because praise is what I do
Daniel did not hop up and run to Nebuchadnezzar to say he knew the answer to the dream; he stopped and praised God
Give God what He’s due when He blesses you
He doesn’t need it
God is self-existent
Praise – to extol in words or song; to magnify; to glorify on account of perfections or excellent words
Can any of us tell of a time when God failed? He always gives us what we need.
Many manners of praising The Lord. One of those ways is “Your Way.” You need to develop your own way.
Prayer started it out and praise finished it out
A. Praise is a cure for pride. Reminds you that you can’t take credit. Who can be prideful enough to take credit for what God has provided.
God is opposed to pride but gives grace to those who praise Him.
B. God wants praise to be a source of stability for you in the face of your trials. He wants praise to be a constant for you. When you can’t do anything else, you can praise.
God answers your praise with His presence. He lives in the praises of His people. If you open the door of praise He will step in and bless you.
God never stops talking or blessing….it’s just a change in your perspective that is needed. The very fact that you can complain means that God is blessing you.
Jay Moss
There’s a praise on the inside, I can’t keep to myself, a holler springing forth from the depths of my soul. So excuse me if I get a little giddy or maybe even strange, praise is the way I say thanks.