45 – Do Better, Be Better
Wisdom for Life from Solomon
Proverbs 2:2-4 (NLT)
A Better Life
The Role Communication Plays in our Happiness & Success:
A. Our communication can stop anger or start it.
“A gentle answer will calm a person’s anger, but an unkind will cause more anger.” Proverbs 15:1 (NCV)
B. Our communication can wound others or heal them.
“Careless words stab like a sword, but wise words bring healing.” Proverbs 12:18 (NCV)
C. Our communication can mean life or death.
“What you say can mean life or death. Those who speak with care will be rewarded.” Proverbs 18:21 (NCV)
D. Our communication can bring inspiration to others.
“The right word spoken at the right time is as beautiful as gold apples in a silver bowl.” Proverbs 25:11 (NCV)
Solomon’s steps to successful communication.
1. Speak in ways that help others. “The good acquire a taste for helpful conversations; bullies push and shove their way through life.” Proverbs 15:2 (Message)
2. Fill your mind with wisdom in order to speak persuasively. “From a wise mind comes wise speech; the words of the wise are persuasive.” Proverbs 16:23 (NLT)
3. Listen before speaking. “Anyone who answers without listening is foolish and confused.” Proverbs 18:13 (NCV)
4. Think before speaking. “There is more hope for a fool than for someone who speaks without thinking.” Proverbs 29:20 (NLT)
5. Don’t talk too much. “If you talk a lot, you are sure to sin; If you are wise , you will keep quiet. Proverbs 10:19 (NCV)
Fulfillment “Everyone enjoys a fitting reply; it is wonderful to say the right thing at the right time.” Proverbs 15:23 (NLT)
Friendship “Whoever loves pure thoughts and kind words will have even the king as a friend.” Proverbs 22:11 (NCV)
Fitness “Those who control their tongue will have a long life…” Proverbs 13:3a (NLT)
Tamala R. Maddox, Ph. D.
R. F. Bumpus Middle School